The other day a friend calls me and says; I need a new floor on my drop deck. The trailer sales place wants $1800 for the material alone, what can you do for me? First thing I did was figured out what it was they were going to sell him. Strike one, can't get what they have. It is manufactured and sold only to companies that make trailers. So I had to do some thinking and investigating.
He had to have something 1-1/8inch thick, dimensional lumber doesn't come in that. So taking into consideration it is exposed to the elements all the time and the fact that the cross members in the trailer are 10inch on center. We ran some numbers and regular old yellow pine works just fine. Now we had an option!
So we sent 2x10 grade #1 to the shop and had them plane it down to the right thickness. Then he took the time to apply a water sealant to all six sides of the board before he installed them. 'What do ya know' he had a new floor in his trailer and guess what he saved 1500 dollars! Even after having our shop plane the material.......Versatility......Our middle name.............
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