Monday, May 2, 2011


It seems like every other day we get a compliment or complaint about our website. Does this bother us, no. But it does make you want to improve. The contractors seem to be the crowd who loves it, they understand the "business". As in the lingo.

When we started this site it was 3 years ago and the building industry was in full swing! At that point in time we of course had the need to cater to the contractor base of the industry. Then of course the building industry took a nose dive and we have been realigning ourselves with the ever changing landscape since.

Not to complain about any of our customers, but that leaves the home owner crowd. We want to make things as easy for you as our contractors. So if you have any comments please feel free to leave them thru our website and we will try to use them as we improve.

We have made a few changes in the wording already. If you refer to a prior post titled "millwork", that was a post in reference to what I am talking about. In closing feel free to leave a comment, you won't hurt our feelings. Anything we can do to help you our customer.................

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