OK I put it off long enough , the next post ! So here it is .
Versetta Stone !
A brand new product ! What makes it special you ask ? We'll it goes together the same as siding does . You have a J-channel and starter strip the whole works !
It has an outside corner , window trim , window sill . All of the above !
As you can see it works as a veneer , inside chimney-outside chimney , under a porch . Just think of all the options you could use this for ! No you don't need a mason to do this . Your siding guys can put this up no problem ! http://masonry.owenscorning.com/versettastone
Check out their website , it's full of info . Of course I have to put my 2-cents in . My favorite application for the product , a new back splash for the kitchen ! That really looks good ......