Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Time to Fry The Fish!!!!!!!!!

Yep, we are gonna have our fall fish fry, come one come all!!!!! Two days after the election!

                         We are gonna celebrate no more commercials.............

                                  Thursday November the 8th    5pm - 7pm

                                                        Spread the word!

               Friends, family, all your employee's, everybody is welcome to join us.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Yea It's Been Awhile......

I strayed away and haven't written anything in months, as you probably know. But I guess I ought to start back at it.

We have had several new products come through the door lately and I find I want to talk about them. I swear it seems the industry is headed in the "prefinished" direction and like it or not we are going to have to follow.

It's not that we don't like to sell prefinished products it's more like we just haven't. Until now.......

I will also have a write up soon about our up coming fish fry. We still need to nail down a few details but it looks like we are going to have a fall fish fry this year.

Courtesy of one of our vendors, I will have the info up by next week.

Have a good weekend and check back soon....

Everybody loves fish.................

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mobile Carpenters.........

How ya' like this! A new fade has been catching on in some of the bigger cities here in the US.

Have tools will travel.......By bicycle!!!!

I can honestly say here at out lumber yard we have never had a carpenter show up with his tools loaded on a bicycle.

Although we did have Bob Wilson who would ride a bike over here to place his orders. He was remodeling the bike shop on main street here in Matthews, it's a block away..............

Of course I like the ideal...... I like bikes..............

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I Promise !!!!!

I promise I will get back at it.

I go through spells, or lapses, call it what you want!

But I am still here, we are still here! Check back in a day or so, I will have a new post ready and waiting!

Summer is coming and it's time to re-do something! Come by and see us we can help!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Versetta Stone ..................

OK I put it off long enough , the next post ! So here it is .

Versetta Stone !

A brand new product ! What makes it special you ask ? We'll it goes together the same as siding does . You have a J-channel and starter strip the whole works !

It has an outside corner , window trim , window sill . All of the above !

As you can see it works as a veneer , inside chimney-outside chimney , under a porch . Just think of all the options you could use this for ! No you don't need a mason to do this . Your siding guys can put this up no problem ! http://masonry.owenscorning.com/versettastone

Check out their website , it's full of info . Of course I have to put my 2-cents in . My favorite application for the product , a new back splash for the kitchen ! That really looks good ......

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ok, I give up..........

Yea it's been forever! I know Christmas came and went I never even said "Happy New Year"! Well consider it said....

Yep, I know it's already the end of January.. Better late than never!!!!

Anyhow time has been ticking by and winter is still here. The rains came and we still haven't seen a snow flake! Which kinda erks me, the kids got snow boards for Christmas and I have been wanting to try them out!

No luck yet!!!!!

Yea snow is bad for business, but when you have kids, growing up and working take a back seat! Well at least on my list of priorities...

Anyhow, now that you know I am still alive, come back in a few days.. I have a few product reviews I need to put in front of you....

New year, new things!  Stuff you can't live without! Well maybe you could, but your customer might not be able too..............................

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!!! From everybody here at the worlds greatest lumber yard!!!!! aka Matthews Building Supply....

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Enjoy your time with friends and family and we will see you next week.

We will be closed the 26th and the 2nd! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't forget the world's greatest movie!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas...................